Sunday, August 1, 2010

TODAY'S NUGGET: Seeking Romance

Rom-coms - the Final Frontier.

I'm fascinated with how hard rom-coms are to write. 

Billy Mernit describes the rom-com plot essentially as "why 2 people should be together." 

But oh, how that often fails in the movies.

I recently found Popcorn Dialogues, a podcast/blog by two highly acclaimed, award winning, romance authors Jennifer Crusie and Lucy March.  (And, oh yeah, they've both taught romance writing for years.)

Every Friday night, they watch a classic rom-com movie & simultaneously host a Tweet chat (#PopD).  On Saturday, they post an hour long iTunes podcast analyzing & rating the structure, romance & comedy.

The goal is to see how the romance does/does not develop in the film. 

I was very surprised how many good movies suck at romance, but are still considered "classic rom-coms."

I've listened to #1-9 so far, & love the nuggets hidden within:

- Farce usually squashes any romance (Bringing Up Baby)

- If the romance isn't there, all the craft in the world can't save it (Pillow Talk)

- Wanting to be together isn't enough. You must show the characters relating & connecting.
(every single movie)

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: The mistake too many screenwriters make is that the man (usually) doesn't show that he "understands the woman."  

Now THAT'S romance.

Please adjust accordingly.

('Cause if you don't, Crusie/March won't sell you the movie rights to their books.

Just kidding. I have no idea if the movie rights are sold.

But if they're not, they should be.

Preferably to me.)

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