Tuesday, July 16, 2013

TODAY'S NUGGET: Adam's Rib (1949) - I Want MORE ROMANCE

[Quick Summary: Two married lawyers take opposite sides in a wife-shoots-husband case.]

I'm here to stump for more romantic comedies.  (Where have they gone? )

I'm a die hard fan, but recent films have turned me off.

My biggest issue is a lack of...well, romance.

Billy Mernit explains it this way in his Romantic Truism #1:

The primary challenge lies not in creating obstacles to keep the couple apart, but in convincing the audience that these two people truly do belong together.

I need to believe these two are better together than apart.

And I did believe it when reading Adam's Rib.

*spoilers below*

ex. Adam is smart. Amanda is witty. They enjoy each other immensely at home.

In the courtroom, Amanda is on fire. Adam shows some fine lawyering.

Amanda finally wins. Adam storms off.

They can't reconcile their legal positions, which affects them personally.

By this time, however, I was rooting for them. When Kip the neighbor put the moves on Amanda, it drove the point home.

Kip wanted to be her doormat, but that didn't help her.

She was far happier fighting with Adam.

That says romantic to me.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: Romance is two people who make each other better.

Adam's Rib (1949)
by Ruth Gordon & Garson Kanin

* It is the rare rom-com with 100% approval on Rotten Tomatoes.

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