Monday, February 9, 2015

2015 OSCARS: The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) - Showing Character Through Dialogue

[Quick Summary: A concierge goes on the run after inheriting a priceless painting.]

This script is dense.

It made me tense.

But look beyond...

And see multi-tasking spawned:

ex. "A second criss-crossing group of people new engage M. Gustave. This time: a very old washroom attendant carrying a monkey-wrench, the head waiter wearing an apron and waving a menu, and a woman of a certain age in a beautifully-embroidered dress with a small dachshund cradled in her arms.

WASHROOM ATTENDANT: Now it's exploded.

M. GUSTAVE: (sweetly to the dachshund) Good morning, Cicero.
(coldly to the washroom attendant) Call the goddamn plumber.

HOTEL GUEST NO. 2: (flirtatious) This afternoon, M. Gustave?

HEAD WAITER: (angrily) What in the hell is this?

M. GUSTAVE: (equally flirtatious) Without fail, Frau Liebling.
(sharply to the head waiter) Not now!"

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: This dialogue shows (not tells) us M. Gustave's habit of multi-tasking (constantly engaged, juggling several things).

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
by Wes Anderson
Story by Wes Anderson & Hugo Guinness

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