Monday, February 19, 2018

2018 OSCARS: The Shape of Water (2017) - What a Non-Verbal, Developing Romance Looks Like

[Quick Summary: In a 1962 top secret Baltimore facility, a mute janitor falls in love and frees an amphibian man, who the government wants to exploit.]

My two cents:

1) Pros and Cons

PRO: This script has several, very strong, three dimensional characters.

CON: The script delved into several characters' personal lives in order to show their bias against the creature. It pulled me out of the main story and felt tangential.

PRO: It is well written and very emotional on the page.

CON: Was there a purpose to the narration on p.1-2? It was confusing to me.

2) What a Non-Verbal, Developing Romance Looks Like

I did think the following montage was quite effective to show the developing intimacy between Elisa and the creature.

It's so romantic how they're learning more about each other and responding.   


- Five eggs. Boiling. Dancing slowly in the water.
- Elisa sets all five Boiled Eggs on the edge of the pool.
- The creature emerges. Does the sign for "egg". [He has adapted to her language.]
- Elisa chooses new records.
- Her locker room is filling up with LP's. [She's trying to figure out what he likes.]
- Elisa travels on the bus with more eggs and records. [She's making a real effort.]
- Elisa mops - a smile on her face. Zelda watches, concerned. [She shows the effects of a real relationship.]
- Elisa readies her bath - mesmerized by the water. [She thinks about him.]
- Giles watches as Elisa "borrow" extra eggs from his fridge. [Her behavior is changing.]
- Elisa packs all 7,8,9 eggs in her paper bag.
- Elisa shows a new record to the creature in the cylinder. [She brings him a gift.]
- She mops while the music plays

Quietly, Hoffstetler enters the lab just as the song ends:

The Amphibian Man bangs on the glass to ELISA and signs: "play a different record." His markings brighten. [He shows physical signs of emotional changes.]

ELISA signs- asking him to "point." The AMPHIBIAN MAN points. Elisa turns the record around. "MOONGLOW" by Benny Goodman plays.

Elisa dances in front of the cylinder. [She delights in his choice.]

The AMPHIBIAN MAN swims, delighted! [He delights in her.]

Elisa walks over and puts one hand up against the glass, slowly, the creature puts a hand up "against" hers. His markings active and color-changing. [They connect physically and emotionally.]

Her smile turns wistful. She keeps her hand there. Leans her forehead on the glass. [They show longing.]

Hoffstetler watches- a tray of raw fish in his hands- Mesmerized. Moved."

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: Non-verbal romance = Showing how two souls learn and connect with each other.

The Shape of Water (2017)
by Guillermo Del Toro & Vanessa Taylor
Story by Guillermo Del Toro

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