Monday, June 8, 2020

TODAY'S NUGGET: Waiting to Exhale (1995) - Show the Messiness of Internal Conflict

[Quick Summary: The struggle with relationships (loving the wrong man, divorce, finding one's self-worth) through the eyes of four black female friends.]

This script is a draw for actresses because it is wonderfully conflicted and messy.

It is especially apparent when these very loyal women are dropped into situations that are very disloyal and have to figure it out.

ex. Bernadine, whose husband has cheated on her and filed for divorce, meets James, a married business traveler whose wife is dying.  Should these lonely souls have a one night stand?

ex. In the scene below, Bernadine, normally diplomatic to a fault, has lost all diplomacy following her divorce filing. 


Bernie's still in her Easter attire, watching 60 Minutes, when the doorbell rings.  Looks at the clock. Not time for the kids yet. Wonders who it could be. Opens the front door slowly. Truly disappointed and disturbed to see Herbert.

BERNADINE: What are you doing here?

HERBERT: Why didn't you return my calls?

Does it take a rocket scientist to figure it out?

BERNADINE: Look. My kids'll be here any minute. (beat) You've got a lot of nerve just dropping b...

Not hearing her at all.

HERBERT: I needed to see you Bernadine.

Oh, really.

BERNADINE: Herbert, look. This has been a whole lot of fu...

HERBERT: You don't get it, do you? I love you woman.


BERNADINE: Well of course you don't. You love getting laid, you love a little danger so long a it stays pretty safe, and most of all, you love hearing yourself talk about it.

Doesn't believe her.  He's in a dream world, on a love high...

HERBERT: I want to marry you.

BERNADINE: Before during or after your divorce? Go home Herbert and try fucking your wife for a change of pace.

A horn honks, and Bernie sees John pull up. The kids start to run out of the car.

HERBERT: I'm filing for divorce next year. As soon as my son graduates. I can't stand her. Haven't slept with her in months. And don't intend to. She bores me to...

BERNADINE: ...death. Of course you're bored with your wife. AREN'T YOU ALL? Look. I don't want to hear all this shit about how you're gonna divorce your wife. Don't you get it? The only reason I fucked you is because you can't marry me.

The kids are now running up the walkway. John's watching with a smile on his face. Bernie's getting very uncomfortable, which makes her even angrier at Herbert. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

BERNADINE: You cheated on your wife, which means you'll cheat on your next wife, and heaven forbid you ever dreamed it was gonna be me.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED:  Bernadine does not have it all figured out, so let's see it all: the defensiveness, vacillating, bad decisions, etc.

Waiting to Exhale (1995)(rev. 1st draft, 10/4/94)
by Terry McMillan & Ronald Bass

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