Monday, March 1, 2021

TODAY'S NUGGET: Conspiracy Theory (1997) - Deepening Emotional Jeopardy w/Multiple Motives

[Quick Summary: Jerry, a raving conspiracy theorist, convinces Liza, a Justice Dept. attorney, that  someone is after him for what he knows.]

I liked this script because: 1) It's more about characters than plot; and 2) To do that, the writer expanded the emotional jeopardy element.  How did he do that?

I think it is because he gave Jerry a multiple motive.  He wants to protect Liza because she's the only one who will help him, but also because he's in love with her.

Every scene has a deeper subtext (see below). The agents think Jerry is concerned about Liza to save himself (plot), but his motive is more personal (character).


Agent Lowry leans forward to look up to the window of Liza's apartment. Behind him, he hears the back door open, Agent Murphy slide in the backseat. As Lowry eases back: 

LOWRY: How's your bladder?

The barrel of Murphy's black 9mm is pressed squarely against Lowry's temple.

VOICE Not bad. (cocks hammer) How's yours?

It's Jerry in the backseat! Lowry's a pretty cool customer. He regards Jerry evenly in the rearview.

LOWRY: Lots of folks are looking for you.

Lowry's hand toward a .45 on the front seat.

JERRY: Then you must be the smart one. Hands on the steering wheel.

A little nudge of the 9mm and Lowry does as he's told.

JERRY: Thank you.

LOWRY: You're welcome. Where's my partner?

JERRY: I like that. A gun to your head and you ask about your partner. He's okay. May have a headache for a few days. Are you here with honorable intentions?

LOWRY: I'm not sure what you mean.

JERRY: You should think of me as Liza Sutton's guardian angel.

LOWRY: That's ironic. Because we're here to protect her from you.

JERRY: You're here because you figured I might show up.

LOWRY: It seemed like a possibility. What about your intentions? Are they honorable?

JERRY: I'm not a violent man, Mr. Lowry. Not by nature anyhow. But if you hurt Liza in any way, I'll kill you. Does that seem honorable?

LOWRY: Well, I don't know if --

Jerry creases the back of his head with the gun barrel As he slumps over unconscious...

JERRY: Seems honorable to me.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I had not thought to double up on jeopardy like this before.  It gives characters a deeper pool to explore.

Conspiracy Theory (1997)(12/11/95 draft)
by Brian Helgeland

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