Monday, June 21, 2021

TODAY'S NUGGET: Legend (2015) - "Passing Through Doors" Transition

[Quick Summary: 1960s gangsters Reggie and Ronald Kray terrorize London.]

Q & A With Myself 

Q: Did you like the script?
A: Not really. It's well written, but not really.

Q: Why didn't you like the script?
A: I want a script to make me understand the characters' points of view, which it did.  However, the emotional stakes plateaued, despite much chaos and violence. 

Q: Could you give an example?
A: Ronnie likes harming people, no remorse. His biggest fear is that Reggie will leave him.  Reggie's biggest fear is that his wife Frances will leave.  When bad things happen, they rage, but there is little emotional consequences or suspense.*

Q: Was there anything particularly good in the script?
A: I can tell this passing door scene was written to be shot. It's a clever transition because we're taken into a room without us noticing. It's at least two camera moves.


STEFAN DE FAYE walks cheerily along. Young and bright, he checks an address on a business card, enters a BUILDING.

FRANCES (V.O.): London was an open city and the Krays moved in.

                                                                                                CUT TO:


On a SECRETARY'S BACK approaching double wooden doors. As she swings them open, Stefan De Faye passes and we are now in... [Camera is in front of de Faye. 3rd person, objective POV.]


LESLIE PAYNE smiles from his desk, looking good in a suit.

PAYNE: Mr. de Faye, glad you could come. [Camera has become de Faye's POV]

DE FAYE (steps forward): Mr. Payne. I'm not often intrigued, but your message, it intrigued.

PAYNE: Please. Sit down.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I liked the unconsciousness of that transition. It's simple, clear, but accomplishes a lot.

Legend (2015)(final shooting draft)
by Brian Helgeland

*I wonder if this is the reason for the excessive use of Frances's voice over? To at least give Reggie a conscience?

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