Monday, August 9, 2021

TODAY'S NUGGET: Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) - Element of Danger in Comedy

[Quick Summary: Crazy d.j./airman Cronauer is assigned to the Armed Forces Radio Saigon and becomes wildly popular but is thwarted by his superiors.]

This script reads like a monkey swinging from a chandelier, trying to avoid crocodiles, which is NOT the the same as merely swinging from a chandelier.

There's an element of danger and risk in the first.

Or as Cronauer, the main character, says to his straight-as-an-arrow sidekick:

You know, sometimes it's nice to do things specifically so you'd get in trouble. It's called "fun." I'll just make up some stuff that's always true. (starts out, turns) Really. Do something risky once in a while. It's good for the complexion.

What makes it even better is that the antics aren't just for show, but skewer for a deeper purpose. For example:


...CRONAUER (into mike): President Eisenhower's itinerary this month includes moving his hands in a circular motion and rotating his sport shirts...See you after lunch.

Cronauer shuts the mike. Garlick and Dreiwitz enter with a reel of recording tape.

GARLICK: Nixon press conference.

Cronauer is about to leave the room, but is intercepted by Hauk.

HAUK: Where do you imagine you're going?


HAUK: You don't have time for lunch, Airman. You'll stay here and drink instant beverage or something. We promised our audience Nixon highlights by 4 PM. 

CRONAUER: Hey, come on...

HAUK: That's an order.

Hauk exits; Cronauer sighs, defeated. Meanwhile, Garlick has threaded the tape into a player.  Nixon's voice comes on.

NIXON (V.O.): ...question I've been asked many times...Critics of American foreign, draft resisters are soft. They're shallow and they have no purpose.

Cronauer smiles.

CRONAUER: He wants tape highlights? I'll give him tape highlights. Boys, let's edit.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I was hooked because Cronauer's risk had a purpose, it was not stupid or thoughtless.

Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)(5/14/86 draft)
by Mitch Markowitz

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