Monday, January 10, 2022

TODAY'S NUGGET: A New Leaf (Unproduced) - Comedy w/Romance vs. Rom-Com?; A Smart Montage of Mental Fears

[Quick Summary: After squandering his inheritance, Henry decides to keep up his expensive lifestyle by marrying, and then murdering, a forgetful heiress.


1) UNPRODUCED SCRIPT. I rarely post unproduced scripts, but this is special.  

The acclaimed Elaine May directed A New Leaf (1971), which she adapted,  directed, and co-starred with Walter Matthau.

Then someone hired actor-writer Carrie Fisher to update it (the 1995 draft below).

2) WHAT GENRE IS IT? At first, I wondered if it was a comedy with romance or a romantic comedy. It is the former, but how can the reader tell?

COMEDY WITH ROMANCE = The story is about the protagonist on a funny journey or situation to solve a problem.  He/she may falls in love on the side.

ROMANTIC COMEDY = The story is about two protagonists' relationship, i.e., a two hander.  Both arc and change through learning to love the other person.

This script is very much focused on Henry, his goal (becoming rich again), and overcoming selfishness. Henrietta's arc is smaller, as she commits to Henry faster. 

3) A SMART MONTAGE OF FEARS. I was very impressed by how the following montage flowed on the page.  It shows Henry at home with fears playing across his mind:

...HOSTESS: We don't take reservations at Stauffers. You have about a twenty minute wait for a table. Stand in the back of the rope please.

Henry turns away from the mirror and faces INTO CAMERA. His expression is one of growing horror. Behind him the mirror goes blank, reflecting only his figure without background.

VOICE (O.S.): I'm sorry, Mr. Graham. The New York Athletic Club does not keep those members on its roster who are remiss in their dues.

The lobby of The New York Athletic Club suddenly MATERIALIZES in the mirror. Henry remains FACING CAMERA and speaking to off-camera clerk in tones of paranoid conviction.

HENRY: That's not it! It's my suit, isn't it?

Mr. Solomon suddenly appears in the mirror behind Henry and walks up to the desk. He lays a hand on Henry's shoulder. Both Henry's react.

SOLOMON: Don't waste your time, Mr. Graham. Come with me to the Y.

HENRY (shrugging his hand off): No, thank you. I will not, even in this time of crisis, identify myself with a minority group.

THE ANGLE TIGHTENS to an EXTREME CLOSE-UP of Henry. There is the SOUND of traffic and horns blowing O.S. THE CAMERA PULLS BACK slightly to reveal Henry at the wheel of a car. It is obviously a low budget car of American design. Through the side window of the car we see a Ferrari pull up. In it is Frank. He sees Henry, pulls down his window, and calls...

FRANK: Henry, you're're not driving a Chevrolet!

Henry turns quickly away. The red light that bathes the screen turns green...and the Ferrari zooms off leaving Henry behind with the rest of the cars Henry closes his eyes. A tear trickles down his cheek.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I liked how clear the fear montages all had the theme of rejection in them.

A New Leaf (unproduced)(8/4/95 cut & paste draft)
by Carrie Fisher
Based on a screenplay written and directed by Elaine May.
Based on a short story, "The Green Heart," by Jack Ritchie.

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