Monday, April 17, 2023

TODAY'S NUGGET: Live and Let Die (1973) - Avoid Monotony in Action: A Clever, Unusual Way to Use a Location

[Quick Summary: Bond tries to stop a heroin ring with the help of psychic tarot card reader.]

As I read through these Bond scripts, I tend to get bored at the monotony of action. 

So when I see something clever or unusual, I pay attention.

One of these is the pre-title sequence below.  It's fresh and unexpected because:
- It takes advantage of its location (New Orleans) and its unusual customs.
- There is a double twist:  The black gentleman and parade seem unconnected, but are actually in cahoots. It seems to be a funeral, but it's a cover.
- I love the use of the coffin as a facade and camouflage.
- It sets up the spy world for the audience: expect the unexpected.
- FYI: Hamilton is a British agent whose disappearance will cause Bond to go to New Orleans.


The Fillet of Soul Restaurant. A garishly-coloured building with neon sign in front: CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT. As CAMERA HOLDS, a slow, dearth, jazz blues is heard in b.g.


He looks off towards the increasingly louder sound of the music. CAMERA PANS. From around the corner: A funeral procession, in true New Orleans style. MUSICIANS lead the parade, marching to a slow cadence. Behind them, PALL BEARERS carry a coffin. FRIENDS and RELATIVES string out behind. The group is all black. CAMERA PANS with PARADE as it approaches HAMILTON.


He stands, watching. A wizened, little old BLACK GENTLEMAN with white hair suddenly appears next to him, watches the procession solemnly. Tears form in his eyes - he wipes one away, shakes his head sadly. HAMILTON removes his hat.

HAMILTON (nicely): Whose funeral is it?


A switchblade flashes out from the BLACK GENTLEMAN'S hand, plunges into HAMILTON'S side. The parade marches past as HAMILTON falls to the street. PALL BEARERS stop, lower the coffin over HAMILTON'S body, pick it up again. The body has disappeared. The process breaks out into a happy, ragtime tune, struts up the street.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: Find a location with unusual customs and/or culture (ex. funeral parade), then put a twist (or two) on even what is typical there (ex. funeral parade as a cover).

Live and Let Die (1973)(10/2/72)
by Tom Mankiewicz

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