Tuesday, January 4, 2011

TODAY'S NUGGET: I Am Lazy, i.e., Goal for 2011

Reading scripts is like a diet.

I don't want those deep mysterious greens, and scary orange looking vegetables.  But they're good for me.

I get lazy. I try to survive without the discipline.

And that's how I end up uninspired, i.e., in the safe zone.

I look back at November when I was on a crazy schedule of one script (plus analysis for this blog) per day. 

I loved it. I hated it. I went places I'd rather not go.

But for the first time, I understood why these films were "classic," "unforgettable," and "stirring."

So here's my goal for 2011: To read the remaining 71 scripts on the WGA's Top 101 Scripts of All Time. 

This breaks down to one a week, sometimes two.  I'll start with #101 Notorious and work backwards.  Postings will be on Fridays (& the occasional Tuesdays).

Won't you join me?  It's dashed lonely reading all alone.

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