Monday, March 10, 2014

2014 OSCARS: Her (2013) - What Clear Subtext Looks Like

[Quick Summary: A man falls in love with his computer operating system.]

Her has great subtext.

I was very impressed by how clear the subtext is to the audience.

ex. "THEODORE: Yeah, I just wanna get it done. Sign the papers, be divorced, move forward. [Hooray for me!]

SAMANTHA: That's great, Theodore. That must feel so good. I'm so happy for you!

THEODORE: Me too. I'm meeting her on Wednesday to do it.

SAMANTHA: Oh. Huh. Are those things usually done in person? [I don't think you should.]

THEODORE: No, but we fell in love together, and we got married together, and it's important to me to do this together.

SAMANTHA (feeling off, but trying to be positive): Oh...right. Good. [This is bad.]

THEODORE: Are you okay?

SAMANTHA: Yeah. I'm okay. I'm happy for you. It's just...I guess I'm just thinking about how you're going to see her and her opinion is still really important to you, and she's beautiful, and incredibly successful, and you were in love with her. (beat) And she has a body. [Tell me I don't have to worry.]

THEODORE: And we're getting divorced...

SAMANTHA (laughs): I know, I know. I'm being silly. [I'm not imagining things.]

THEODORE (sing-song): ...soooo I'm avail-able.

They both laugh."

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: For clear subtext, keep the meaning simple.

Don't make the audience make two leaps of logic (it's too confusing).

Her (2013)
by Spike Jonze

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