Monday, August 20, 2018

TODAY'S NUGGET: 9 to 5 (1980) - Farce is a Skillfully Exploited Situation

[Quick Summary: Three very different female co-workers bond over some wild, crazy adventures outwitting their sexist, lying, egotistical boss.]

Two lessons from this script:

1) How a Script Can Hinge on the Right Casting. Even with a good script, Dolly Parton added that "extra" vibrancy.  So if you can get Dolly Parton, get Dolly Parton.

2) Why Do We Laugh at Farce?  Let's start with the definition: 
Farce (n.) = A light, humorous play in which the plot depends upon a skillfully exploited situation rather than upon the development of character. (my emphasis)
This is a new idea to me that farce is more about the situation than the character.

This script had several great examples, including the scene below.

Prior to this scece, Violet has accidentally put rat poison in the boss' coffee.
--> The boss hit his head, became unconscious, and spilt the coffee.
--> He is rushed to the E.R., woke up, and walked out.
--> Meanwhile, another unconscious man is wheeled in.
--> The police are waiting to hear about man #2.

Watch how we laugh the misunderstanding in the situation:


...A Medic that brought in the man on the gurney exits the emergency room. The Detective stops him for a moment.

DETECTIVE: The guy they just brought in on the gurney; how is he?
MEDIC #1: Not so good.
DETECTIVE: When can I speak to the Doctor?
MEDIC #1: He knows you're here. [This line signals to Violet that "everyone knows what she did."  The reality is that no one does yet.]

The Medic walks on down the hall.

VIOLET: Oh, my God. They found out about it already.
JUDY: Don't panic. Don't panic.

The Doctor comes out and the Detective speaks to him.

DETECTIVE: How is he, Doc?
DOCTOR: He's dead.

Violet receives the news with a shock. Doralee and Judy are equally horrified.

VIOLET: Oh, my God. [She thinks the boss is dead, but ironically he's not.]
DETECTIVE: Can you tell what caused it?
DOCTOR: Not without an autopsy, but I'm fairly certain it was some kind of poison.
VIOLET: Ohhh... [She thinks she's to blame, but she's not.]

Violet feels suddenly faint and Judy and Doralee rush to help her. The Doctor leads the Detective and the Policeman into his office down the hall while Judy and Doralee help a distraught Violet to a seat in the waiting room."

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: Farce is about the situation more than the character development.

9 to 5 (1980)(final draft, 12/12/79)
by Colin Higgins
Story by Patricia Resnick

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