Monday, August 6, 2018

TODAY'S NUGGET: St. Elmo's Fire (1985) - The Comedic "3 Beats"

[Quick Summary: Three months out of college, seven college friends enter their Freshman Year of Life with all its expectations, secrets, and messiness.]


1) Would I buy this script today? YES, in a heart beat.

- It's a witty, fun, sharp, timeless drama + comedy.
- It's rare to have so much great comedy in a drama.
- It is a true ensemble cast for 7 young actors, with great arcs and conflict.
- It's cheap (no CGI, car chases, etc.)

2) The Comedic "3 Beats." I was impressed by the number of "3 beats" in this script.*

Usually, the 3 beats are close together:


...Wendy is looking over Jules' Date who hovers in the distance.

WENDY: Is that your date? [BEAT 1]

The naked man wanders past them. [BEAT 2]

JULES: No that's my date! [BEAT 3]

As usual, Jules has managed to make Wendy laugh, just as the Cops approach her."
Sometimes, the 3 beats were looser and further apart:


Jules is applying eyeshadow to Wendy's bruised eye.

WENDY: He got drunk cause he lost his job. [Set the argument.]
JULES: Again? You didn't give him any money did you...?
WENDY: A little.
JULES: I thought you were going to take definite steps to change everything in your life that is not working. [BEAT 1]
WENDY: That doesn't leave much left. [BEAT 2]
JULES: Wendy this is all too destructive.
WENDY: Life in the fat lane. [BEAT 3]
JULES: You're not fat.
WENDY: I am fat. And no diet works. The only way to loose [sic] weight is by amputation. [BEAT 1]
JULES: You have to amputate Billy the Kid. [BEAT 2]
WENDY: I can't. [BEAT 3] [BEAT 1]
JULES: I don't get it. [BEAT 2]
WENDY: Me either." [BEAT 3]

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I think these "3 beat" comedy bits allowed this drama to skewer a little deeper, a little closer to the bone, than straight drama alone could.

St. Elmo's Fire (1985)(3/13/84 draft)
by Joel Schumacher and Carl Kurlander

* "3 beats"= The rhythm and/or repetition of "three" things.  I'm not sure who discovered it, but it always seems to make people laugh.

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