Monday, April 13, 2020

TODAY'S NUGGET: All That Jazz (1979) - Heads Up Re: the Following Hallucinatory Ride

[Quick Summary: An brilliant dancer, who is selfish, ill, a perfectionist, sex/drug addict, and lousy in relationships, has a heart attack which delays his newest show.]

This is a film about "Fosse time":
The movie stretches and compresses and manipulates time. It jumps between past and present. It shuffles from fantasy to realty and back. And it does it with a combination of speed and grace that remains unmatched....In All That Jazz you’re everywhere at once. The movie is a biography, but it’s also a spiritual autopsy. Joe Gideon is taking stock in himself. - Matt Zoller Seitz
What I really liked was this script was CLEAR what was going on or about to happen.

As a reader, I appreciated the heads up.

Now I know this is not popular today because it adds to the length, but this side note to the reader was very helpful.  And yes, the script included the asterisks:

What follows is an elaborate production number as we see Joe (Hallucinatory) build it from beginning to end. The substance of the number is "Hurray!...Joe's Alive!!" It is Vaudeville in full showbiz terms. There will be hoofers, tenors, jugglers, a trio of girl singers, acrobats, an animal act, a magician, etc. The number is a celebration of Joe's life and his acceptance.

While we never leave the Intensive Care Room, small theatrical set pieces will be moved in and out for scenic effects: in other words, the Vaudeville is played against the reality of the Intensive Care Room.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED:  Don't be afraid to be clear to the reader, if it's not popular.

All That Jazz (1979)(rev. 4/14/77)
by Robert Alan Aurthur and Bob Fosse

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