Monday, April 20, 2020

TODAY'S NUGGET: The Crucible (1995) - One Good Line of Dialogue

[Quick Summary:  Scorned girl uses the witch hunt to accuse her ex-lover's wife.]

I did not like this script much.

Though a vengeance tale should be entertaining, I was bored.

(Perhaps because it "is a drama of ideas, but they seem laid on top of the material, not organically part of it"?)

I thought this was the best line:

PROCTOR: Sir, there are them that cannot weep and them that cannot sing --my wife cannot lie.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: All the ingredients were there, but I wasn't rooting for anyone very much.  Hence, the story didn't move me.

The Crucible (1996)(4/19/95 w/revisions)
by Henry Miller
Based on his play

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