Monday, May 18, 2020

TODAY'S NUGGET: Training Day (2001) - What Happens Between Characters

[Quick Summary: Jake, a rookie cop experiences his first training day under the wing of Alonzo, a jaded narcotics cop.]

I greatly appreciate that this action/cop drama/muscular script is character based. 

What does that mean? That what happens between characters has meaning, whether it be a conversation or conflict, i.e., not simply guns blazing all the time.

I like that the scene below demonstrates this on a few levels:
- Alonzo is teaching Jake what daily life is like on the streets.
- Alonzo is also asserting "his way or the highway" methods on Jake and the Dealer.
- Jake struggles to comprehend and deal with Alonzo's illegal methods which violate all protocol.
- Jake admires that Alonzo is getting results, yet is repulsed by them.
- There are various power struggles (Alonzo vs. Jake, Alonzo vs. Dealer).


...Jake finishes searching.

ALONZO: No rocks?

JAKE: No rocks.

DEALER (laughing): Aw, dang. See? Ya'll ain't got hit. The man comin' up short again.

Alonzo exits the car. Glares.

ALONZO: I never come up short, fool. (to the Dealer) Open your mouth.

The Dealer does. Sensing to not play with Alonzo.

ALONZO: Lift your tongue.

He does.

DEALER: See. I ain't be gottin' shit.

ALONZO: Gimme a pen.

Jake does. Alonzo grabs the Dealer's neck. Forces the pen in his mouth. Down his throat. He gags --URGH! -- Vomits.

DEALER: Motherfucker!

Jake is stunned. Alonzo inspects the spattered sidewalk. SEES saran wrapped rocks.

ALONZO: Lookie those.

DEALER: That's corn.

ALONZO: That's Jimmy crack corn. One, two, three, four, five...six. How'd you swallow that shit without water?

DEALER: Fuckin' bullshit! Fuck you, civil rights violatin' motherfuckers.

Alonzo SLAPS him.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: Action films are not just about what is happening, but what they mean to the characters.

Training Day (2001)(9/27/99 draft)
by David Ayer

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