Monday, September 21, 2020

TODAY'S NUGGET: Down With Love (2003) - When Clothes REFLECT Character

[Quick Summary: Barbara Novak, 1960s author of bestseller Down With Love, is set up for a fall by Catcher Block, hot undercover journalist, in a battle of the sexes.]

BAD NEWS: It kind of disappoints in Act 3.

GOOD NEWS: As those who have seen this film several times (like me), you know how the clothes unbelievably perfectly encapsulate/enhance character and tone.

One of the film's best over-the-top moments in the restaurant where Barbara and her editor Vikki walk in and take over, like it's a kitchy 1960s fashion show. 

Notice how Barbara's clothes and movementa proclaim, "Hear me roar!"


....MANTOVANI MOOD MUSIC BEGINS --For even though BARBARA and VIKKI are merely entering the restaurant and taking off their coats, the following is staged like a FASHION SHOW, and is appropriately scored like one.

BARBARA and VIKKI stride like runway models down the entrance steps and freeze, striking a pose. EVERYONE in the restaurant stops to watch.

BARBARA and VIKKI each turn to the left and to the right, and then in one full circle.  They're just taking in the restaurant; we're taking in every perspective of their hats, coats, gloves, shoes and pocketbooks.

BARBARA's coat is one of those just-below-the-knee equilateral triangle numbers, with the matching hat an inverted pyramid on her head. VIKKI's coat is test-tube thin, the matching hat a large flat disk.

Now facing front, they both set their matching pocketbooks on the balustrade at each of their sides and unbutton the giant buttons of their coats, opening them wide so we see the lining, and revealing that underneath they each wear a suit that matches their coats.

The MAITRE D' steps up behind them and slides off their coats, first BARBARA's, then VIKKI's, giving them each a chance to take a solo turn:

So while VIKKI's coat is taken off, BARBARA struts into the restaurant toward the tables with three long strides, freezes again with a pose showing off the suit, then turns and walks back the three long strides to pick up her forgotten pocketbook -- passing by VIKKI who is on her strut forward.

BARBARA waits as VIKKI completes her stride, freeze, pose, turn, and stride back for her pocketbook, then together they follow the MAITRE D' to Catch's booth and are seated.


WHAT I'VE LEARNED: Showcasing clothes = showcasing how Barbara and Vikki want to be seen as.  It's their internal state on the outside!

Down With Love (2003)(1/22/02 draft)
by Eve Ahlert & Dennis Drake

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