Monday, September 14, 2020

TODAY'S NUGGET: Kicking & Screaming (2004) - Seeing that 'He's Not Listening'

[Quick Summary: Phil decides to coach his son's soccer team against an opposing team coached by Phil's dad.]

This distant dad-son story unspools exactly as you'd expect.

However, there are nice unexpected moments, like the one below where we see that Phil is not listening and resents his much younger Bucky. 

FYI: "Buck" is their dad.


...They watch Buck for a while.

PHIL: Bucky, how do you do it?

BUCKY: Do what?

PHIL: He just doesn't seem to bother you like he bothers me.

BUCKY: Dad likes pushing your buttons. It's his love language.

PHIL: You know what he calls you? The son he always wanted.

BUCKY: Don't take it so hard.

PHIL: He's like that with you?

BUCKY: Nah. He knows it wouldn't bug me like it bugs you.

PHIL: He's been riding me all my life. When's it going to stop?

 BUCKY: When it stops getting to you.

PHIL: Yeah. I guess you're right.

Phil pops open a beer. He hands it to Bucky. He pops one for himself.


He's about to take a sip of beer. Phil's hand quickly slaps it out of his hand.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I liked the pace of this - apparent resolution of conflict, then one beat later we see it hasn't resolved.

Kicking & Screaming (2005)(Oct. 2003 )
by Leo Benvenuti & Steve Rudnick

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