Monday, July 5, 2021

TODAY'S NUGGET: Daredevil (2003) - What is Missing from Romantic Scenes Today

[Quick Summary: Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer, becomes Daredevil at night to find out who really killed a college girl and blamed his client.]

Comic book adaptations have always been hit or miss, but this script is very good. I was surprised how much I liked its romantic arc.  You read that right - romance!

Ebert also liked it and points out what is often missing from romantic scenes today, i.e., Beauty:

She and Daredevil are powerfully attracted to each other, and even share some PG-13 sex, which is a relief because when superheroes have sex at the R level, I am always afraid someone will get hurt. There is a rather beautiful scene where he asks her to stand in the rain because his ears are so sensitive they can create an image of her face from the sound of the raindrops.

I also liked this particular scene because it does double duty: 1) vulnerable, I-see-you connection (emotional); 2) a setup for a future payoff (structural).


...We hear the MUTED PATTER of the raindrops now, hitting the leaves overhead, as Elektra listens to Matt's world.

MATT (CONT'D): Suddenly there's a roof to the universe...and everything that was shapeless is given contours and textures...

He stops and inhales the world around him.

MATT (CONT'D): Car exhaust washes away rreplaced by the smell of earth and grass...and for a moment everything is clear.


Where we see the rain visualized as DROPS OF SOUND. Elektra steps closer as they bounce off of her shoulders, her hair, the bridge of her nose, until they reveal her in a perfect silhouette. She's even more beautiful than he imagined.

MATT (CONT'D): For a moment...I can see again.


As she takes his hand and places it on her face.


as Matt slowly caresses her delicate features, the raindrops streaming between his fingers and her cheeks in rivulets.

MATT (CONT'D): You are so beautiful.

They start to kiss. Matt losing himself in the moment...

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: When one character sees the best version of another character, it is beautiful and romantic.

Daredevil (2003)(7/3/01 draft)
by Mark Steven Johnson
Revisions by Brian Helgeland, Mark Steven Johnson

*Even post Iron Man (2008), not all comic book films will land with audiences.

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