Monday, July 12, 2021

TODAY'S NUGGET: The Horse Whisperer (1998) - Tightrope Moment of Yearning & Dread

[Quick Summary: Annie and her teen daughter arrive in Montana in hopes that the horses whisperer can help heal their injured horse Pilgrim.]

Kids think romance is black and white, follow certain rules, and are sequential.

Adults know that reality is grey, flaunt rules, and sometimes stack on each other.

This adaptation does a nice job of capturing the messiness: self-sacrifice for the greater good; the struggles of yearning vs. dreading the loss afterwards.

This scene below particularly captures that tightrope feeling.  Tom and Annie want to grasp the moment vs. do not want to hang too tightly to the temporary.


Tom is walking alone when he turns the corner of Hank's house and finds;

Annie sitting alone, staring up at the night. They see each other. From behind the house, no one else can see them.

It is as if the fates brought them face to face and alone. Without any will to stop it, they embrace and kiss passionately. But when they look into each other's eyes, there is no joy in the kiss. Tom releases her and walks away, heading for the shed. Annie quickly pulls herself together and enters the main house through the back door.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: Because the emotions here are complex, I like that the scene is simple.   If both were complex, it would be distracting.

The Horse Whisperer (1998)(2nd draft, 1/21/97)
by Eric Roth
Based on the novel by Nicholas Evans
Revised by Richard LaGravenese

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