Monday, March 7, 2022

2022 OSCARS: CODA (2021) - Creating Four Different Character Arcs But One Central Theme

[Quick Summary: Ruby (18) is torn between staying home to help her deaf family, and dreams of a college singing scholarship.]


1) This script is FUN to read (and the fastest of the 4 Oscars scripts thus far).

2) It's a true ENSEMBLE piece, and all four main characters change and arc.

3) Though all their arcs are different, they all have the SAME THEME (not being seen for who they are).  It keeps the stories unified and easier to follow.

I really like how the writer found situations that best explored this theme. 

For example, in the scene below:
- Ruby is the link for her parents to the hearing world. She often puts the family's needs before her desire to get a singing scholarship.
- The parents, Frank and Jackie, have opinions but feel isolated because they can't communicate with hearing people .
- Notice how the writer found a FUN, ENSEMBLE situation that explores the THEME. What does being unseen feels like? Can it be sustained? If not, what change will follow (suspense)?


Ruby sits between her parents in a tiny exam room, translating for them. She's done this many times. That doesn't make it any less awkward.

FRANK: It's definitely itchy as hell.

RUBY: It itches.

FRANK: My nuts are on fire.

RUBY: His, you know...

FRANK: They're like angry hard little beets. Covered in barnacles.

RUBY: I got it.

FRANK: And your mother's got it even worse. Like a boiled lobster claw.

Ruby squirms, mortified.

DOCTOR: Right, so the layman's term for what you both have is "jock itch." It's common if you spend a lot of time in damp clothes. And it's easily transferable via intercourse.

RUBY (to her dad): You guys have jock itch.

DOCTOR: I'll give you an antifungal cream. But you both have to keep the area dry and avoid sex for two weeks.

RUBY (to her parents): You two need clean underwear. And you're not allowed to do it anymore.

FRANK: What?! For how long?

RUBY (to her parents): Never again. Done for life.

Frank and Jackie stare at her.

RUBY (CONT'D)(caving): Two weeks.

JACKIE: Can't do it.

FRANK: Impossible.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I really like the feel of the overall piece.  It's an ensemble, united by a similar theme, yet full of distinct characters.

CODA (2021)
by Sian Heder
Based on La Famille Belier

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