Monday, April 11, 2022

TODAY'S NUGGET: Vicky Cristina Barcelona - Unfulfilled Love as a Strong Theme

[Quick Summary: When college friends Vicky and Cristina spend two months in Barcelona, each falls in love with the same artist, whose volatile ex-wife returns.]

I was surprised that the theme was so strong in this Woody Allen script.

It made more sense when I considered that:
a) The theme is unfulfilled love, and
b) Every character WANTS the same thing (variations of longing for love), but NEEDS something else. *

One of the script's strength is how strong that WANT is, yet it remains unfulfilled.

For example, in the scene below:
- Vicky had a fiancee, and was unprepared for her connection with artist Juan. 
- They had a one night stand.  He moved on easier than she did.
- On a whim, Vicky's fiancee suggested getting married in Barcelona. 
- Vicky and Ben are in Spanish classes together.
- I thought this was a poignant conflict for Vicky who has attracted two guys, yet still feels unfulfilled because of a third guy.


Ben reaches toward Vicky and clasps her hand.

NARRATOR (V.O.): ...he couldn't resist taking her hand.

VICKY: Uh...uh, no.

Vicky pulls her hand away from Ben.

VICKY (cont'd): Don't. I....

BEN: No?

VICKY: Ehhh, no. Yyyy-you-you-you do know...that I'm, I'm recently married.

BEN: Yeah, I...I guess I was under the impression that...maybe you jumped into it too quick, maybe you regret it...?

VICKY: Regret? Have, have I implied that?

BEN: Unless I read into it.

VICKY: No, I...I shouldn't tell you this. I, I, know what? I was always someone who thought I knew exactly what I wanted.

BEN: But you didn't.

Vicky shakes her head nervously.

VICKY: Well, no, I, I, I met somebody else and, uh...I'm not gonna get into that story.

BEN: So, this guy you met?

VICKY: The guy is, is living with my best friend. (sighs) You know? (chuckling) What am I talking about? When I...when I hear myself, it's just, it's just crazy. I just married the guy I wanted.

BEN: Did you?

VICKY: I thought so.

BEN: So? What happened?

Vicky shakes her head.

VICKY: One goddamned weekend in Oviedo.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I liked that each character wanted love, but a slightly different variation, which kept it interesting.

I also appreciate how Allen writes dialogue that stumbles around a bit, like people thinking aloud.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
by Woody Allen

*As a side note, I found that the comedy comes from characters choosing the wrong person to fulfill that want.

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