Monday, February 4, 2019

2018 OSCARS: First Reformed (2018) - Showing Grave Illness in Two Lines

[Quick Summary: An ill minister of a small congregation grapples with more despair after a parishioner commits suicide in upstate New York.]

This is the 4th Paul Schrader script that I've read so far (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Obsession), but perhaps my least favorite.*

Enough about me.  On to the good stuff...


1)  It is stripped down.  This shows what can be done for $3M today (and investors can get their money back!)

2) It shows (not tells) grave illness. In the scene below, we see Toller in a normal, routine biological act... except for one thing. 

Notice the power of only two sentences (especially the last two words):


Propping one hand against the wall, Toller urinates into the toilet. His urine runs dark brown."

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: How does the writer gets the reader to make the conclusion that Toller is ill? Use a universally understood behavior + unexpected result.  

First Reformed (2018)
Written and directed by Paul Schrader

*For anyone who cares: I could stomach that this is a serious film about a serious circumstance, but it took me until p. 17 to get interested.

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