Monday, January 30, 2023

2023 OSCARS: Banshees of Inisherin (2022) - One Key to Writing Memorable Parts for Women

[Quick Summary: On a small Irish island of Inisherin in 1923, Padric is stunned when his fiddler friend Colm refuses to ever speak to him.]

I am impressed how well Martin McDonagh can write parts for women.  My first exposure was the two female leads in this early play, which blew my hair back.

How does he do it?  One key is that he is very observant of subtext.  He pays attention to the underlying dynamics women juggle, ex. societal expectations.

In the scene below:
- Padraic has been wrestling with why his friend Colm has suddenly changed.
- However, watch Siobhan, his sister, who is simultaneously having to juggle a sad Colm and neighbor Mrs. McCormick.
- Siobhan is required to host and attend to Mrs. McCormick in a way Padraic is not (societal norms).
- Also, the last lines of "hide behind walls" made me realize no one asked about Siobhan's dreams.  In taking care of everyone else, what's she suppressing?


PADRAIC, SIOBHAN & MRS. MCCORMICK, a spooky-looking, white faced, neighbor, 80, smoking a clay pipe through blackened teeth. SIOBHAN sews rose decorations on a black shawl, as PADRAIC refills the lamps around the room from a pail of Paraffin.

MRS. MCCORMICK: Is it six years since yere Mammy and Daddy died, Siobhan, or is it seven years since they died?

SIOBHAN: It's seven years, Mrs. McCormick, aye.

MRS. MCCORMICK: Is it seven years? Doesn't time be flying?

PADRAIC: Aye. When you're having fun.

SIOBHAN: Be off to the pub, now, Padraic, if you're going to be annoying us.

PADRAIC: I don't have to be down there every night, do I?

SIOBHAN almost double-takes, MRS. MCCORMICK just smirks.

MRS. MCCORMICK: ColmSonnyLarry's scared him off, I suppose.

PADRAIC: What did you hear of ColumSonnyLarry?

MRS. MCCORMICK: Didn't you and he used be the best of friends?

PADRAIC: We're still the best of friends.

MRS. MCCORMICK: No ye're not.

PADRAIC: Who says we're not?

MRS. MCCORMICK (pointing to SIOBHAN): She says!

PADRAIC: Ar for God's sake, Siobhan!

SIOBHAN: I said nothing of the like, Mrs. McCormick, I was just chatting! Now you go off to Jonjo's, Padraic, and don't be getting under our feet, sure Mrs. McCormick never gets a chance to come over for a chat...

SIOBHAN makes PADRAIC put on his coat.

PADRAIC: She never gets a chance cos you avoid her.

SIOBHAN: I do not avoid her!

PADRAIC: You hide behind walls if she's coming up the road!

SIOBHAN gives an embarrassed laugh as PADRAIC exits. She sits back down.

SIOBHAN: 'Hide behind walls'.

SIOBHAN tries to smile, but MRS. MCCORMICK just stares at her, smoking. they sit in awkward silence.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: The Siohban part impressed me because there is a lot of emotional juggling for the actress to do, though it may not look like it on the page.

Banshees of Inisherin (2022)(June 29, 2021)
by Martin McDonagh

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