Monday, January 2, 2023

TODAY'S NUGGET: Identity (2003) - How to Infuse Energy into Act 2 (Anticipation of Clues)

[Quick Summary: With a homicidal prisoner potentially on the loose, ten strangers, who are stranded at a lonely motel, are being killed off one by one.]

Q: If you had to sum up this script in word, what would it be?

Q: Even in the dreaded act 2?
A: That's what made it so unusual!  The energy never flagged.

Q: Why is that?
A: Anticipation, i.e., with each clue revealed, the stakes rose for the survivors.

Q: Can you give a good example?
A: In the scene below, notice that our curiosity is lit with an audible clue
--> we see the aftermath of a horror scene, which keeps us curious
--> the characters find more clues
--> they realize what this means for them
--> and we have to turn the page to get to see if they're right.


In the rain-soaked earth, Ed finds --

A single shower curtain ring...Then another...

They lead like breadcrumbs from Caroline's room out and away to the rear of the motel. Ed follows them to the walkway of a rundown swimming pool half-filled with rainwater.

Then he notices -- THE SWINGING GATE -- leading out into the black desert. Thunder cracks.

And then he hears it...

A dull metallic thudding...Bang-bang... Bang-bang... He tries to distinguish it from the downpour... Bang-bang... Bang-bang...He heads off around the side of the building...  [Audible clue!]


Darkness before Ed switches on the overhead fluorescent... Bang-bang... Bang-bang... THREE DRYERS ARE ON -- But one of them is making the noise... Bang-bang... Inside one of them, something inside is tumbling over and over...

Ed reaches out to a dryer door. Bang-bang... Bang-bang...Opens it... Nothing. It shuts off.

Ed cautiously opens the SECOND DRYER -- NOTHING... It shuts off.

Hesitantly, he opens THE THIRD DRYER -- And finds -- [By the Rule of 3, we expect something here, rhythmically in the story, but there is nothing.]

A pair of sneakers klunking round and round in the dryer. They come to a stop. Ed sighs -- but then notices --

EYES -- staring at him -- reflected in the circular glass on the dryer door -- [Then, BAM! Surprise clue!]

Ed spins around to face --

CAROLINE'S DECAPITATED HEAD staring at him from the fourth dryer cradle. Rhodes and Larry enter and freeze...

LARRY: Oh, Jesus Mother of God. That's a... (notices Ed's stony expression)'re real calm for a guy staring at a human head.

Ed considers this.

ED: She wasn't that human. [A little humor can't be bad.]

Rhodes kneels in front of the dryer and reaches inside.

ED (CONT'D): 'The hell you doing?

RHODES: ...There's something in there. [Another clue? Anticipation!]

Ed hands Rhodes a dryer sheet.

ED: Use this.

LARRY: ...You a cop?

Rhodes and Ed lock eyes.

ED: Not anymore.

Rhodes pulls out a BLOOD SOAKED OBJECT and examines it...

IT IS A MOTEL ROOM KEY -- NUMBER TEN. [Clue! What does it mean?!]

LARRY: Oh, man. That is fucked up.

ED: Was she in room ten?

LARRY (shakes his head, then points to Rhodes): ...They were.

ED (to Rhodes): Where's your guy?

RHODES (uneasy): ...'Cuffed to a toilet.  [Oh no!  Gotta turn the page to see if the prisoner guy is still in Rm. 10, or on the loose.]

                                                             CUT TO:

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I like that the stakes increased organically (threatened the characters in realistic way) vs. artificially (only there to get us from point A to B).

Identity (2003)(revised draft)
by Michael Cooney and James Mangold

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