Monday, March 29, 2010

QUESTION: 5 Questions No One Asked on #scriptchat

Yesterday I participated in #scriptchat, a lively Twitter discussion group held every Sunday for an hour.  There's a UK version (noon EST) & a US version (8pm EST).

The topics change & this week participants could ask 5 readers (one of which was moi) questions. It was fast & furious fun!

For those who didn't catch it, here's the transcript:

Here are the questions I know you wanted to ask but didn't.  (At least these are things I'd want to ask)

1. Do you have a recommended eating routine for writers?  Yes, but the starving artist's diet isn't very popular.

2. Are you a real person?  No, I'm a figment of my own imagination.

3. Do I have to live in LA?  No, you may teleport in.

4. How do I grow a thick hide?  You're allowed to cry for the first 200 times in the privacy of your home.

5.  What would you pay me to write?  Something that evokes PASSION, something that keeps me wondering, "What's next?"

WHAT I'VE LEARNED:  When you have questions on writing, read David Mamet's great memo:

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