Sunday, June 27, 2010

TODAY'S NUGGET: When a Cat Brings You a Baby Bird

I'm cat sitting and was stunned today when the cat raced into the house with a FLAPPING BABY BIRD in her mouth. 

Holy cow! What was I supposed to do? I wanted to run screaming "EWWW!" from the room, but knew I needed to get that bird away.

This is the kind of situation you want for your characters: They MUST make a decision either one way or the other, & there's no way out.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: Don't run like a pansy and let the cat run the show.  The main character must take charge & make pro-active decisions.

(Yes, I did get the baby bird away.  Unfortunately, the damage had already been done & it passed to Shady Acres soon thereafter.)

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