Monday, December 31, 2018

TODAY'S NUGGET: Hanging Up (2000) - The Responsible Child, All in One Scene

[Quick Summary:  As three sisters juggle how to care for their dying father, old resentments and memories resurface.]

This script was ok, but not my favorite.

However, I did like the scene below.  It shows us that Eve is already the responsible, steady, middle child at age 16, all in one scene:


Lou, his back to her, is pouring Scotch.

He turns and looks at his daughter. A sheepish smile.

LOU: Hey. I'm all you've got.

He sinks down on the couch, glass in hand and, while still sitting up, passes out.

HOLD ON THE ROOM a beat...

Eve looks at him. She walks over and takes the glass out of his hand and puts it on the table.

She picks up his feet and moves them onto the couch. He is now half-sitting, half-lying, in a very awkward position.

A beat while Eve evaluates whether she has doe all she can. Then, slowly and quietly, she backs out of the room.



WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I could tell a lot about who Eve was and her maturity level, from her actions in just one scene.

Hanging Up (2000)(draft dated 4/29/97)
by Nora Ephron and Delia Ephron
Based on the novel by Delia Ephron

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