Monday, January 20, 2020

2020 OSCARS: 1917 (2019) - A Good Descriptive Line

[Quick Summary: With his friend, a young corporal must make it across enemy territory to deliver a desist order and preventing the death of his brother.]

I wished I liked this script better, but I did not.
It was well-written, yet I didn't care as I aught.
However, the brief description below is quite good,
Especially the one with "understood."


...Erinmore speaks slowly, desperate to impress upon Blake and Schofield the gravity of this situation. Nothing can be misunderstood.

ERINMORE (CONT'D): If you don't, it will be a massacre. We would lose two battalions.  SIxteen hundred men, your brother among them.

Schofield hides his shock. But Blake looks at Erinmore, determination etched in his face: understood.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: The gimmick of this film was that it was "one continuous shot" in order to keep the audience with the characters...but does it matter if I don't care that much about them?

1917 (2019)
by Sam Mendes & Krysty Wilson-Cairns

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