Monday, December 14, 2020

TODAY'S NUGGET: The Untouchables (1987) - The Wily, Crafty Trickster Role

[Quick Summary: Elliott Ness hunts Capone, helped by a worn beat cop, Malone.]

What was it about this Mamet script that swayed Sean Connery to take the role (and a rare pay cut)?  I think it's because Malone is such a great trickster role.

Malone, an entirely fictional character, is both sage and "bad cop" to the upstanding "good cop" Ness. He understands what motivates human nature.

In the scene below:
- Ness has just caught George, Capone's accountant, red handed with a shipment and a coded ledger. 
- Ness wants the code but George refuses. 
- Watch how Malone uses all his skills to create a crucible situation that put mental pressure on George.


MALONE (continuing): You going to talk? (beat) You're gonna talk, pal. You're gonna beg to talk.

In frustration, Malone takes the ledger.

MALONE: Somebody's going to talk.

He walks O.S., out onto the porch. WE HEAR him talking.

MALONE (O.S.)(continuing): Hey you, on your feet. We need you to translate this book. And you are going to. I won't ask you again.


Malone has picked up the dead body of the slain bootlegger and is holding him up by the chin, while holding a pistol to the other. Malone shoves the pistol in the dead man's mouth.

MALONE: What's the matter. Can't you talk with a gun in your mouth? One...two...three...

He fires, as he heaves the body toward the open door.


The GUNSHOT, and the body flying through the door. Beat. Malone comes in the door.

He takes a step toward George, who is seated on a chair. The chair falls over, George struggles to his feet.

GEORGE: Yes. Yes. Yes...I'll...yesyesyes I'm going to...

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I like that nothing about this scene above is unearned. 

The threat is imminent (body a few feet away), so it's realistic that George is scared and willing to spill. 

The Untouchables (1987)
by David Mamet

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