Monday, March 15, 2021

2021 OSCARS: Judah and the Black Messiah (2020) - Creating a Traitor Character Through Motive, Tone, Mood

[Quick Summary: Bill O'Neal is blackmailed into going undercover in the Chicago Black Panthers to spy on its leader Fred Hampton.]

A film critic recently mentioned the fine line that O'Neal (LaKeith Stanfield) walks as he plays both sides with the FBI and the Black Panthers.

His motive seems to be self-preservation, but we're unsure as the story unfolds.

He's unpredictable, and that is what makes him interesting to watch.   What does he want? Prestige? Money? To belong? We cannot tell.

In the scene below:
- O'Neal has come to FBI agent Mitchell's house to report.
- Notice the tone: Mitchell treats his confidential informant like an equal.  He can afford to because he has leverage. O'Neal basks in the side benefits while he can.
- Notice the mood: O'Neal feels safe here, even though he's betraying one side for the other. 
- Note the motive: He likes nice things, but likes security more. Do you agree?


...Mitchell tries to get a read on O'Neal. It's impossible.

MITCHELL: Anyway...I'm going to get those dogs going.

Mitchell rises. O'Neal starts to join him.

MITCHELL: No, no. Sit down. You're a guest.

He grabs his coat.

MITCHELL: If you want a taste of the good stuff, there's a bottle of Scotch in the bottom cabinet. Help yourself.

Mitchell's about to exit when...

O'NEAL: Hey, how much money you make, man?

Mitchell is struck by his forwardness. He bristles ever so slightly before settling.

MITCHELL: It's a...It's a living.

O'NEAL: Say I get you like some good information. Something nobody else knows -- Is there a bonus or something?

MITCHELL: I'm counting on it, Bill. But to answer your scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Make yourself at home.

Mitchell EXITS toward the BACK PORCH. O'Neal puffs the cigar. Taking in his surroundings, he savors the house's comparative opulence and the feeling inside of having made it.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I liked that O'Neal wheels and deals, making it up as he goes along, even though he's in the hot seat. It feels very realistic.

Judah and the Black Messiah (2020)(10/16/19 shooting draft)
by Will Berson & Shaka King
Story by Will Berson & Shaka King and Kenny Lucas & Keith Lucas

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