Monday, June 14, 2021

TODAY'S NUGGET: 42 (2013) - Involving a Female Character in a Male Sports Film

[Quick Summary: In 1947, Jackie Robinson, the first black player in the MLB, struggles with distraction, racism in his first year with the Brooklyn Dodgers.]


1) FOCUSED. I liked this script because it focused on Jackie playing baseball. 

That sounds simple, but scripts tend to get preachy and glossy when it comes to portraying sports figures who have borne social strife and emerged triumphant.

2) FEMALE & INVOLVED. I liked that Rachel, Jackie's wife, was not a bystander or reactor.  She was a participant, and equally affected emotionally as Jackie.

To show this, the writer seemed to choose parallel emotional situations for Rachel. 

In the scene below, we experience the same kinds of hatred and racism that came at Jackie, but through her POV:


[Rachel sits in the stands with racists who shout taunts at Jackie.]

...Rachel stares ahead, tries to maintain. She shows them her back, sits up as straight as she can. Her movements heroic.


Jack and Rachel ride home. Forlorn, she stares out.

RACHEL: Oh Jack...

JACK: What is it, Rae?

RACHEL: Nothing. It's just, sometimes when I sit up there with those bastards, those loudmouths in the stands, I know you can hear them.

JACK: Don't worry. It's okay.

RACHEL: No, it's not okay. And I can hear them, too.

Jack looks at her, takes her hand in his.

JACK: I know. I'm sorry for that.

Rachel squeezes his hand back.

RACHEL: We're in it together. When they start in on you, you know what I do? I try to sit up as straight.

JACK: Yeah?

RACHEL: Straight as I can. I got it in my head that I can block it from you, some of it, if I can sit up straight. (a sad smile) Isn't that dumb?

Closing the space between them, he takes her hand.

JACK: It worked. I didn't hear a thing.

She tries to smile. As the tears streak her cheeks, he leans in kisses her forehead.

JACK: They're just ignorant.

RACHEL: If they knew you, they'd be ashamed.

She puts her arm around him, draws that strength.

JACK: Hold on.

RACHEL: I am holding on.

JACK: Long as we hold on, it'll be okay.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: One of the ways to show a female character is equally involved is to have her share the weight of the emotional journey.

42 (2013)(3/14/12 shooting script, w/revisions)
by Brian Helgeland

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