Monday, October 10, 2022

TODAY'S NUGGET: Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) - To Show (And Not Tell) That He's a Kept Man

[Quick Summary: Flirty Holly Golightly meets a new neighbor Paul, a poor writer, but financial security gets in the way of their romance.]

Holly Golightly (19 y.o.) is after one thing: to snare a rich husband.  Because she's been on her own since 14 y.o., she's both quite innocent and quite mercenary.

Paul, on the other hand, is 28 y.o., not as innocent, not quite as mercenary.  He has snared the interest of 2E, a rich, bored housewife, who sets him up in an apartment.

I was intrigued how the writer showed us (and did not tell us) he's a kept man:


...She picks up his typewriter, puts it on the desk and takes off its lid. She takes a sheet of paper and puts it in the machine. [2E is in charge even of his equipment]

2E: Voila!

PAUL: If a man is going to starve in a garret and write the great American novel, this is sure the way to do it...

2E (Her tone changes): Now listen, darling, we're just not going to have any of that at all...The whole thing is very simple. You're a writer...I think you can be a great one...Why shouldn't I help you? I have a husband who invests in oil wells...I have friends who invest in...I don't know...the stock market or real estate. So why shouldn't I be allowed to invest what I believe in? [She defends her decision, which cleverly hides exposition]

PAUL: Which is?

2E: Talent, darling. Talent. You have talent and I'm going to see that you don't waste it or spoil it or fritter it away. I couldn't bear the idea of you, prostituting yourself...sitting in a little cage in Hollywood...writing movies that would make us both cringe when we saw them later...Let me be your Hollywood, Paul...your own personal, tender, loving Hollywood... [2E flatters him]

PAUL: And what do you get out of it?

2E: Satisfaction, darling. Just satisfaction. And maybe the feeling of pride, when the book is finally done, of seeing the dedication page that says: "For 2E, Without Whom...' [She brings the flattery back around to herself]

During this, she has very gently begun to unbutton his shirt. [Now she touches him]

PAUL: And that's all?

2E: Well, almost...

She draws him to her and kisses him. When they break she very gently pushes him away from her and toward the bed. [She is still in charge, increases the intimacy]


2E: It's not so bad, is it? Really?

PAUL: I suppose it could be a lot tougher...

2E (Softly): You bet it could be, darling. You just bet it could be... Paul...

PAUL (O.S.): Yes?

2E: I wish we had a picture of you...just the way you are right now...If we put it on the book jacket, we'd sell a million copies...


WHAT I'VE LEARNED: Paul is "kept" because 2E is making the major decisions... but they align with his desire for financial security, so he allows them. 

Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)(undated)
by George Axelrod
Based on the novel by Truman Capote

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