Monday, July 10, 2023

TODAY'S NUGGET: The World is Not Enough (1999) - If You're Going to Put "M" in a Cage...

[Quick Summary: Bond delves into threats against an oil heiress, and uncovers a plot involving nuclear warheads.]

In this script, I found the stakes somewhat confusing (not surprised), the plot very action-y (not surprised), but I was surprised that they put M in a cage.

Granted, it is dubious that the head of MI-6 would get so involved with a mission.* 

Also, it's rather convoluted how she gets to the remote location, i.e., request of the heiress, whom she's known since a child.

However, I give the writers props for  is something NEW and NEVER BEFORE SEEN in any of the previous 19 Bond films (out of 25 films).  

In the scene below:
- I really liked how efficiently the writers described M's cell (it was shot as written). 
- I like how close quarters were used to increase a sense of menace.
- I also liked that this scene doesn't just increase tension and stakes, but it's also Elektra's emotional blood-letting too.  She's been wanting this purge. 
- The film was also helped immensely by Judi Dench's performance as M, as her blistering delivery gave the scene a thrilling frisson.


Elektra opens a heavy door, she and Renard pass through to...

A SMALL ROOM...a window set in the stone on one side. The other side is divided off by a WALL OF BARS, creating a cell which now contains: M.

The cell is bare, except for a camp bed in the corner. M betrays no fear. A quiet defiance burns in her.

ELEKTRA: Just as I promised.

Renard steps forward. Bars separate him from M.

RENARD: My executioner.

M: Over-praise, I'm afraid. But my people will finish the job.

ELEKTRA: Your people? Your people will leave you here to rot just like you left me. You and my father. He didn't think my life was worth the chump change he spent on a day at the stock market.

M: Your father...

ELEKTRA: Is nothing. His kingdom he stole from my mother. The kingdom I will rightly take back.

ELEKTRA leaves. Renard is left alone with M.

M: She's insane. Is that what you did to her?

RENARD: No. I'm afraid it is what you did.

He crosses close to the bars.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: If you're going to cage the head of MI-6 (and Judi Dench), it can't be a gimmick. Give her something meaningful to play against, like Elektra's rage.

The World is Not Enough (1999)(undated draft)
by Neal Purvis, Robert Wade, & Bruce Feirstein

**I've heard that Bond fans grouse, "Why is M out in the field? Isn't she more valuable at headquarters?"

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