Monday, February 10, 2020

2020 OSCARS: JoJo Rabbit (2019) - Using an Imaginary Friend

[Quick Summary: JoJo is a 10 y.o. Nazi-in-training with an imaginary friend called Hitler who is conflicted when he finds a young Jewish girl hiding in his house.]

I thought it was clever to use the imaginary friend to do a couple things:

a) question Jojo so we could hear his thinking process

b) comfort, advise, and make sense of the world for Jojo, which would be natural since he is Jojo's hero.

I also like that all the ridiculous stuff is there to make a point.


...VOICE (O.S.): Poor Jojo, what's wrong, little man?

 Jojo turns around, it's Adolf.

JOJO: Hi Adolf.

Adolf takes a seat.

ADOLF: Why so down in the dumps? A strong boy like yourself shouldn't be sad, you should be happy like a cloud!  Clouds don't care about anything!  [A's question allows us to hear J's inner reasoning.]

JOJO: They called me a coward. And my papa, they say he makes desserts instead of fighting. But I know he's still fighting, for you, for me, and for Germany.

ADOLF: Oh, of course he is! And he is also making nice desserts, nothing wrong with that. My God, his custard tarts are the only thing keeping up morale at the front. (beat) Want to tell me about the rabbit incident? What was that all about?  [A plays it serious, so it's funny & points out his ridiculous priorities. A's question leads to J admitting failure.]

JOJO: They wanted me to kill it. I'm sorry.

ADOLF: Meh, don't worry about it. I couldn't care less. Just like a cloud.

JOJO: But now they call me a scared rabbit.

ADOLF: Well you want to know something? (off Jojo's nod) Just because they're small and delightfully cute doesn't mean rabbits are cowards. The rabbit faces a dangerous world everyday, hunting carrots for his family...for his country. Forget those boys. They have their place and so do you. My empire will be made up of all animals, eagles, lions, elephants, and even the mighty rabbit. [A comforts & encourages J.]

Adolf offers Jojo a cigarette.

JOJO: No thanks, I don't sm--

ADOLF: Can I give you some really good advice? Be the rabbit. The humble bunny can outwit all his enemies and that is why he is a hero. Be. The. Rabbit. [A gives J good advice, which we agree with but also makes us uneasy.]

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I never thought to use of the imaginary friend to give advice, much less good advice.

However, it's quite effective in making me consider, "Why do I like this guy? Do I trust him?"

JoJo Rabbit (2019)(2/8/19)
by Taika Waititi
Based on the book "Caging Skies" by Christine Leunens

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