Monday, February 24, 2020

2020 OSCARS: The Two Popes (2019) - Inserting Humore in Writing

[Quick Summary: The story of the relationship of Pope Benedict and Bergoglio, an Argentinian cardinal, who becomes Pope Francis.]

Writer Anthony McCarten, whose BAFTA Screenwriters' Lecture speech is well worth a listen, has spoken often on inserting humor in his writing.

I laughed at the scene below, and it was a release valve.

Bergoglio has just arrived at the Pope's summer residence.  He is uncomfortable, surrounded by so much excess.

I thought the humor was even more accentuated because it was followed by the sober reminder of the expectations that surround us, i.e.,  saints and cherubim.


Bergoglio is following the nun along the intimidating corridors. He's not happy here. The nun shows him a room.

BERGOGLIO: Thank you, sister.

NUN: Oh. I almost forgot. A message from your assistant in Buenos Aires...

She hands him a piece of paper. He unfolds it, troubled.

She shows him to his room. As he goes into his room...

NUN (CONT'D): Is it bad news, father?

INSERT: Shot of the piece of paper in his hand. It's a starting line up for tonight's big San Lorenzo game.

BERGOGLIO: I'm afraid so. Lavezzi is not in the starting line up for Argentina and Equador tomorrow.

PICK UP ON Bergoglio trying to pray a little later. He is distracted by the decoration in the room - paintings of saints surrounded by beaming baby-faced cherubim.

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: "Those who lose the ability to laugh, lose the ability to think."-Clarence Darrow

The Two Popes (2019)
by Anthony McCarten

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