Monday, March 30, 2020

TODAY'S NUGGET: Blue Thunder (1983) - Suspense at the Moment of Decision

[Quick Summary: Murphy, a Vietnam war vet, investigates the murder of  a Councilwoman with the help of a cutting edge police helicopter, Blue Thunder.]

I was curious to read a Dan O'Bannon script that was unrelated to anything Alien.

It's an ok script.  The main character has a serious flaw and there is character development. I did get bored about half way through.

I did like this moment below when a decision has to be made. (Kate is Murphy's girlfriend who has the incriminating videotape.)


There is much activity. They've got a chopper up there broadcasting live the biggest story in the country at this time.  Phones are ringing. People are running back and forth. She crosses up to a Security Guard --

KATE: I have a package for Mister Moyers --

SECURITY GUARD: He's very busy --

KATE: I know that. But this is from Frank -- Murphy --

SECURITY GUARD: Lady, there's a crazy man up there in a helicopter -- we got no time for --

The phone at his desk is ringing.

SECURITY GUARD: Just a minute.

As the Guard crosses to the phone, Kate looks around -- hugging her videotape - not knowing what exactly to do next.


As Icelan's buddy, Fletcher -- whom Kate has never seen before -- drifts up with a laid back smile.

FLETCHER: The most dangerous thing in the world is a little man afraid for his job -- (then) I'm Dick Fisher. I'll get that to Tony if you'd like --

As  Kate looks at him....

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: Make it clear the what two things that the character must choose between.  Then leave us at the decision point to increase suspense and tension.

Blue Thunder (1983)(9/30/81 draft)
by Dan O'Bannon, Don Jakoby, Dean Riesner

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