Sunday, January 17, 2010

BOOK CLUB: The Tragic Deed (Ch. 11)

[Today we're reading Ch. 11 Keep It in the Family, from Aristotle's Poetics for Screenwriters, by Michael Tierno (2002).]

This sounds easy to apply, but it's not:

"The tragic deed is the most intense, horrible thing that happens in the story. It usually is caused BY the hero, or happens TO the hero, & it involves 'an action of a destructive or painful nature, such as murders, tortures, woundings, & the like.'" p. 59. (emphasis mine)

Sometimes writers are afraid to challenge their protagonist. They're afraid to let their protagonist fail. Or experience intense pain.

Perhaps this is b/c the focus is too much on the pain, & not enough on the catharsis. The purpose for the pain is the release at the end.

WHAT I’VE LEARNED: Remember that pain is only 1/2 of the equation. So go there. Really go there.

[DISCLAIMER: I have not been asked, nor paid, to read or comment on this book.]

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