Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Today's 2nd Nugget: Searing Dialogue

Roger Ebert twittered that James Joyce died today in 1941. He linked to his review of The Dead (1987), John Houston's last film. It is based on Joyce's novel and seems unfilmable.

The review mentions these powerful lines of dialogue:

"What was it he died of so young?" asks Gabriel. "Consumption, was it?"
"She replies, "I think he died from me."

Wow! Her six words say it all ...A man who loved her so much he literally died from it when they were parted.

Does that not encapsulate the depth of this man's longing?

Does that not sear your soul?

Can you not sense her subtext of regret, even these many years later?

Pay attention! This is what A list actors are looking for.

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